Using 4 mm needles and thumb method cast on
132 [138:152] sts.
Proceed as follows:-
1st Row. K1 [4:1], *yfwd, k8, k2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
2nd Row. P1 [4:1], *p2tog, p7, yrn, p1, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
3rd Row. K1 [4:1], *k2, yfwd, k6, k2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
4th Row. P1 [4:1], *p2tog, p5, yrn, p3, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
5th Row. K1 [4:1], *k4, yfwd, k4, k2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
6th Row. P1 [4:1], *p2tog, p3, yrn, p5, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
7th Row. K1 [4:1], *k6, yfwd, k2, k2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
8th Row. P1 [4:1], *p1, p2tog, p1, yrn, p7, rep from * to
last 1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
9th Row. K1 [4:1], *k8, yfwd, k2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
10th Row. P1 [4:1], *yrn, p8, p2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
11th Row. K1 [4:1], *s1, k1, psso,
k7, yfwd, k1, rep from * to last 1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
12th Row. P1 [4:1], *p2, yrn, p6, p2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
13th Row. K1 [4:1], *s1, k1, psso, k5, yfwd, k3, rep from *
to last 1 [4:1] sts, k1.
14th Row. P1 [4:1], *p4, yrn, p4, p2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
15th Row. K1 [4:1], *s1, k1, psso, k3, yfwd, k5, rep from *
to last 1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
16th Row. P1 [4:1], *p6, yrn, p2, p2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
17th Row. K1 [4:1], *s1, k1, psso, k1, yfwd, k7, rep from *
to last 1 [4:1] sts, k1 [4:1].
18th Row. P1 [4:1], *p8, yrn, p2tog, rep from * to last
1 [4:1] sts, p1 [4:1].
From 1st to 18th row sets patt.
Keeping continuity of patt as set (throughout) cont until
work measures 51 [53:55] cm, (20 [21:21¾] in), ending
with a ws row.
Shape Shoulders
Cast off 5 [6:7] sts in patt at beg of next 6 [6:10] rows.
102 [102:82] sts.
Cast off 6 [6:8] sts in patt at beg of next 6 [6:2] rows.
66 sts.
Cast off rem 66 sts in patt.