Rico Knitting Idea Compact 964



3rd Row. P11 [14:17], k1, p1, k3, slip next 3 sts onto
CN, and hold at back of work, k3 then k3 from CN, this
will now be referred to as C6B, p1, k1, p8 [10:12], slip
next st onto CN, and hold at back of work, k1 then k1
from CN, this will now be referred to as C2B, p2, slip
next 2 sts onto CN, and hold at back of work, k2 then
k2 from CN, this will now be referred to as C4B, p2,
C2B, p2, C4B, p2, C2B, p8 [10:12], k1, p1, k3, C6B, p1,
k1, p11 [14:17].
5th Row. As 1st row.
7th Row. P11 [14:17], k1, p1, slip next 3 sts onto CN,
and hold at front of work, k3 then k3 from CN, this will
now be referred to as C6F, k3, p1, k1, p8 [10:12], (C2B,
p2, C4B, p2) twice, C2B, p8 [10:12], k1, p1, C6F, k3, p1,
k1, p11 [14:17].

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 771


For Cardigan:
1 pair 3,25 mm (UK 10 – USA 3) Rico knitting
1 pair 4 mm (UK 10½ – USA 2) Rico knitting
7 buttons
For Scarf:
1 pair 7 mm (UK 2 – USA 10½ ) Rico knitting needles

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 1149


1 pair 5 mm (UK 6 – USA 8) Rico knitting needles

Next Row. Using 3½ mm needles patt to 1 st before
marker, slip next st onto right hand needle, remove marker and slip st back onto left hand needle, patt next st, sm onto right hand
needle, using 3 mm needles patt to end.
Next Row. Using 3 mm needles patt to marker, remove, using
3½ mm needles patt to end.
**Short row shaping. Using 3½ mm needles patt to
1st before marker, slip next st onto right hand needle, remove marker and slip st back onto left hand needle, sm onto right hand needle,
Next Row. Using 3½ mm needles patt 9 sts, s1, k1,
psso, patt to marker, sm, using 3 mm needles, inc in
next st, m1, patt to end. [76] sts.
Next Row. Using 3½ mm needles, patt to marker, sm,
using 3 mm needles, inc in next st, m1, patt to end.
67 [78] sts.
Using 3 mm needles and thumb method cast on
131 [149] sts.
1st Row. *P1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1.
2nd Row. K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.
1st and 2nd rows set patt.
Work 14 rows more in patt.

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 927


SLEEVES (Both Alike)
Using 3 1/4mm needles, A and thumb method cast on

[…] Yoke
Divide sts on Back holder onto 2 separate holders,
Placing 24[27:29:32] sts on each holder.
With re facing, unsing 4 mm circular needle and A, […]

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 569


Using 6½ mm needles and thumb method cast on
73[79:85:91:103] sts.
Work in patt as follows:
1st to 4th rows. Knit.
Change to 7 mm needles.
5th row. *K2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last st, k1.
6th row. Purl.
7th and 8th rows. Knit.
9th to 12th rows. As 5th to 8th rows.
13th row. P2, *k3, p3, rep from * to last 5 sts, k3,
14th row. K2, *p3, k3, rep from * to last 5 sts, p3,
15th row. K2, *yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k3,
rep from * to last 5 sts, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso,
yfwd, k2.
16th and 17th rows. As 13th and 14th rows.
18th row. As 13th row.
19th row. K2tog, yfwd, *k3, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog,
psso, yfwd, rep from * to last 5 sts, k3, yfwd, sl 1,
k1, psso.
20th row. As 14th row.
Rep 13th to 20th rows 1[2:2:2:2] times more, then
rep 13th to 16th rows 1[0:0:0:0] times more, ending
with a ws row.
**Next row. K1, *k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k1,
psso, k1, rep from * to end.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K2tog, yfwd, *k3, yfwd, sL2togK, k1,
p2sso, yfwd, rep from * to last 5 sts, k3, yfwd, sl 1,
k1, psso.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K1, *yfwd, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog,
yfwd, k1, rep from * to end.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K2, *yfwd, sL2togK, k1, p2sso, yfwd,
K3, rep from * to last 5 sts, yfwd, sL2togK, k1,
p2sso, yfwd, k2.
Next row. Purl.
Rep last 8 rows twice more, then first 0[0:4:4:4] of
these rows again, ending with a ws row.**
Next row. Knit.
This row forms g-st.
Work in g-st for a further 3 rows.
Next row. *K2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last st, k1.
Work in g-st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row.
Next row. K2tog, yfwd, k3, *yfwd, sl 1, k2tog,
psso, yfwd, k3, rep from * to last 2 sts, yfwd, sl 1,
k1, psso.
Next row. Purl.
Next row. K2, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, *k3,
yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, rep from * to last
2 sts, k2.
Next row. Purl.
Rep last 4 rows 4[4:4:5:5] times more.
Work in g-st for 4 rows.
Next row. *K2tog, yfwd, rep from * to last st, k1.
Work in g-st for 3 rows, ending with a ws row.
Now repeating 13th to 20th rows only for rest of
Back, cont as follows:
Cont straight until Back measures 54[56:58:60:
62] cm, 21¼[22:22¾:23¾:24½] in, hanging from the
needles ending with a ws row.

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 1168


To fit age 0 – 3 3 – 6 6 – 12 12 – 18 18 – 24
mths mths mths mths mths
Length 26 cm 28.5 cm 31 cm 34.5 cm 38 cm
(measured from top of bib) 10¼ in 11¼ in 12¾ in 13½ in 15 in

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 707


SLEEVES (Both alike)
Using 3.75mm needles and thumb method cast on
33 [35:35] sts.
Work 6 [6:8] rows in g-st.
1st Row. Knit.
2nd and Every Alt Row. Purl.
3rd Row. K1 [2:2], *k2tog, yfwd, k2, rep from * to
last 0 [1:1] sts, k0 [1:1].
5th Row. Knit.
7th Row. K1 [2:2], *k2, k2tog, yfwd, rep from * to
last 4 [5:5] sts, k4 [5:5].
8th Row. Purl.
From 1st to 8th row sets patt.

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 1189


KNITTING idea compact

Knitting idea compact 380

6 buttons

Rico Knitting Idea Compact 651

Corrections Knitting Idea Compact 651

5th row. K1, p2[(p2, k2) twice], p1, C4B, p1, k9,
p1, C4B, p1, (p1, C8B), p2, C4B, p1, k9, p1,
C4B, p1, (p2, k2) 6 times, p1, C4B, p1, k9, p1, C4B,
p1, (p1, C8B), p2, C4B, p1, k9, p1, C4B, p1,
p2[(p2, k2) twice], k1.
17th row. K1, p2[(p2, k2) twice], p1, C4B, p1, k9,
p1, C4B, p1, (p1, C8B), p2, C4B, p1, k9, p1,
C4B, p1, (p2, k2) 6 times, p1, C4B, p1, k9, p1, C4B,
p1, (p1, C8B), p2, C4B, p1, k9, p1, C4B, p1,
p2[(p2, k2) twice], k1.

SLEEVES (both alike)
3rd row. K1, p1, k2[(k2, p2) twice], p1, C4B, p1, k3,
C6B, p1, C4B, p1, (k2, p2) 3 times, k2, p1, C4B, p1,
k3, C6B, p1, C4B, k2[(k2, p2) twice], p1[0], k1[2].