Lovewool No. 20 – model 23



Make 4 ch and close with a sl st to form a ring.

Rnd 1: 4 ch (counts as first tr (dc) and first ch),

work (1 tr (dc), 1 ch) 11 times into the ring, close rnd with

a sl st into 3rd of 4-ch. 24 sts.

Rnd 2: 3 ch (counts as first tr (dc)) 2-tr-cl (2-dc-cl) in

4th of 4-ch, (3 ch, 3-tr-cl (3-dc-cl) in next

1-chsp) 11 times, 3 ch, close rnd with a sl st in

3rd of 3-ch at beg of rnd. 12 clusters.

Rnd 3: 1 sl st in 2-tr-cl (2-dc-cl), (1 sl st in next ch) 2 times,

1 ch, 1 dc (sc) in next ch, 5 ch, (miss 1 ch, 1 2-tr-cl

(2-dc-cl) and 1 ch, 1 dc (sc) in next ch, 5 ch) 11 times,

close rnd with a sl st in first dc (sc), fasten off.

Rnd 4: Miss 2 ch, re-join yarn with a sl st in next ch,

3 ch (counts as 1st tr (dc)), 4 tr (dc) in same first 5-ch-sp,

1 ch, (1 dc (sc) in 3rd of next 5-ch, 5 ch, 1 dc (sc) in

3rd of next 5-ch, 1 ch, (5 tr (dc), 3 ch, 5 tr (dc)) all in next

5-ch-sp, 1 ch) 3 times, 1 dc (sc) in 3rd of next 5-ch,

5 ch, 1 dc (sc) in 3rd of next 5-ch, 1 ch, 5 tr (dc) all in

same 5-ch-sp as 4 tr (dc) at beg of rnd, 3 ch, 1 sl st in

3rd of 3-ch at beg of rnd. Fasten off. Break yarn, leaving a long tail.

Lovewool No. 19 – model 07



Using 3.75 mm needles, cast on 117[127:139:147] sts.

Row 1 (rs): K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.

Row 2: P1, *k1, p1; rep from * to end.

These 2 rows form k1, p1 rib.

Cont in rib until work measures 7 cm (2¾ in) ending with a rs row.

Inc row (ws): Rib 3[4:6:2] sts, M1, (rib 4 sts, M1) 28[30:32:36] times, rib 2[3:5:1] sts. 146 [158:172:184] sts.

Change to 4.5 mm needles.

Lovewool No. 19 – model 45


Right front band

With rs of work facing and using 4mm needles, starting at cast-on edge, pick up and k 89[93:97:103:105] sts evenly up right front edge to neckband and 14 sts evenly up side of neckband to cast-off edge.

103[107:111:117:119] sts.

Next row: K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.

Repeating this row forms moss-st.

Work 2 rows more in moss-st, ending with a ws row.

Buttonhole row (rs): Patt 3 sts, k2tog, yfwd, (patt 14[15:16:17:17] sts, k2tog, yfwd) 5 times, patt 12[11:10:11:13] sts, k2tog, yfwd, patt 4 sts.

Work 5 rows more in moss-st, ending with a ws row.

Cast off in patt.


Left front band

With rs of work facing and using 4mm needles, starting at top of neckband, pick up and k 14 sts evenly down side of neckband and 89[93:97:103:105] sts evenly down left front edge to cast-on edge. 103[107:111:117:119] sts.

Next row: K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.

Repeating this row forms moss-st.

Work 8 rows more in moss-st, ending with a ws row.

Cast off in patt.



Sew a pocket on each front, placing the bottom edge of the pocket at top of lower rib and approximately centralised between side edge and front edge, matching g-st rib patt. Join side and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons to match buttonholes. Pin out jacket to measurements given. Cover with a clean damp tea towel and leave to dry. See ball band for washing and further care instructions.

Lovewool No. 19 – model 38



Cast on 50 sts.
Row 1 (RS):
Sl 1 knitwise, k1, *p2, k2; rep from * to last 4 sts, p2, k2.

Row 2: Sl 1 purlwise, p1, k2, *p2, k2; rep from * to last 2 sts, p2.

Rep these 2 rows till work measures approximately 250 cm long, measured from the cast on edge and ending with a WS row.

Keep approximately 20 m of yarn left for the fringe.

(120 fringe lengths of 15cm plus 2 m spare.)

Cast off all sts.

Lovewool No. 19 – model 29



91/97[102/107:112/117:122:127/132] cm

36/38[40/42:44/46:48:50/52] in

Lovewool No. 19 – model 26



Circumference around head: 49 cm (19¼ in)

Width: 7,5 cm (3 in)