Baby Merino No. 1 – model 09



Using 3½ mm needles, thumb method and M, cast on

77[83:91:99] sts.

1st row (rs). K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.

2nd row. *P1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1.

These 2 rows form 1×1 rib.

Work 9[9:11:13] rows more in rib.

Next row. P6[9:4:8], p2tog, (p7, p2tog) 7[7:9:9] times,

p6[9:4:8]. 69[75:81:89] sts.

Proceed as follows:

1st row. Knit.

2nd row. Purl.

Last 2 rows form st-st (stocking stitch).

Work 2[2:4:4] rows more in st-st.

Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:

Next row. K2[1:0:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

3[2:1:1] sts, 1C, 2[1:0:0]M.

Next row. P0[3:2:2]C, *1M, 3C, rep from * to last

1[0:3:3] sts, 1[0:1:1]M, 0[0:2:2]C.

Next row. K2[1:0:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

3[2:1:1] sts, 1C, 2[1:0:0]M.

Change to 3½ mm needles and using M only, cont

until back measures 11[14:17:22] cm (4¼[5½:6½:8¾] in)

ending with a ws row.

Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:

Next row. K2[1:0:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

3[2:1:1] sts, 1C, 2[1:0:0]M.

Next row. P1[0:1:1]M, *1C, 1M, rep from * to last

0[1:0:0] sts, 0[1:0:0]C.

Next row. K0[3:2:2]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

1[0:3:3] sts, 1[0:1:1]C, 0[0:2:2]M.

Next row. Using M, purl to end.

Working in st-st throughout work from 1st to 24th row

of Chart B A (p. 54 50) as follows:


SLEEVES (Both alike)

Using 3½ mm needles, thumb method and M, cast on

41[41:43:45] sts. Work 11[11:13:15] rows in 1×1 rib as

given for Back.

Next row. Purl to end, inc 2 sts evenly across row.

43[43:45:47] sts.

Proceed as follows:

Work 4[4:6:6] rows in st-st inc 1 st at each end of

3rd[3rd:5th:5th] row. 45[45:47:49] sts.

Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:

Next row. K2[2:3:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

3[3:0:1] sts, 1[1:0:1]C, 2[2:0:0]M.

Next row. P0[0:1:2]C, *1M, 3C, rep from * to last

1[1:2:3] sts, 1M, 0[0:1:2]C.

Next row. K2[2:3:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

3[3:0:1] sts, 1[1:0:1]C, 2[2:0:0]M.

Change to 3½ mm needles and using M only, cont in

st-st inc 1 st at each end of 2nd and every foll 6th row

to 53[57:61:67] sts.

Cont without shaping until sleeve measures

14[16:19:23] cm (5½[6¼:7½:9] in) ending with a ws row.

Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:

Next row. K2[0:2:1]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

3[1:3:2] sts, 1C, 2[0:2:1]M.

Next row. P1[1:1:0]M, *1C, 1M, rep from * to last

0[0:0:1] sts, 0[0:0:1]C.

Next row. K0[2:0:3]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last

1[3:0:0] sts, 1[1:0:0]C, 0[2:0:0]M.

Next row. Using M, purl to end.

Working in st-st throughout work from 1st to 24th row

of Chart A B as follows:

Rico Baby 004 – model 16



Then cast on 1 st at each end of the next 2 right side rows, 2 sts at each end of the following 5 alt rows and
finally 1 stat each end of the next 16 right side rows, 1 st at each end of following 6 rows and 1 st at each end
of the 3rd and following seven 3rd rows. (181sts) When work measures 25cm, ending with a wrong side row,
cast off the centre 15sts to make the slit for the belt, and cast them back on in the following row. Continue
without further shaping until work measures 38 cm. Then begin shaping for top part of blanket. Cast off 1 st at
each end of the third and following nine third rows…


Baby Merino No. 1 – model 05



41 (43 – 45 – 49 – 51) st opzetten, en 2 (2 – 2,5 – 2,5

– 2,5) cm in boordpatroon br.

In de volgende terugtoer av st br., en gelijkmatig verdeeld

3 st minderen 21 (23 – 27 – 31 – 33) st meerderen = 62 (66 – 72 – 80 – 84) st.

Dan de st br. zoals volgt: 1 (3 – 6 – 1 – 3) st tricotsteek

averechts, 60 (60 – 60 – 78 – 78) st in basispatroon,

1 (3 – 6 – 1 – 3) st tricotsteek averechts. Op

deze manier recht verder br.

Opeen totale hoogte van 12 (15 – 17 – 20 – 24) cm Aalle st patroonsgewijs afk.

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Rico Baby 034 – model 02


Rico Baby Classic dk
A: Shade 083 (fir green) or 060 (dark blue)
50[50:50:50:50] g
B: Shade 081 (strawberry) or 080 (vanilla)
50[50:50:50:50] g
C: Shade 002 (cream)
100[100:100:150:150] g
1 pair 4 mm (UK 8 – USA 6) knitting needles
1 pair 3¼ mm (UK 10 – USA 3) knitting needles
Cable needle
Stitch holders
4[4:4:5:5] buttons, 1.7 cm diameter

Baby Merino 01 – model 13


Shape sleeve top
Work 4[4:4:7:7] rows dec 1 st at each end of every
row. 41[47:51:51:57] sts.
Work 0[0:0:1:1] rows more without shaping.
Cast off 8[9:10:10:11] sts in patt at beg of next
2[2:2:4:4] rows. 25[29:31:31:35] sts.
Cast off 8[9:10:10:11] sts in patt at beg of next 2 rows.
9[11:11:11:13] sts.
Cast off rem 9[11:11:11:13] sts in patt.

Baby Merino No. 1 – model 20


Page 35:

The raglan wrap jacket impresses with a floral-looking hole pattern. The continuous
button fastener on the side makes it easy to put on and take off. The matching hat with a
practical tie as well as the sleeves of the jacket are knitted
completely in garter stitch.



Using 3½ mm needles and thumb method cast on

55[61:67:73:79] sts loosely.

For 1st and 4th sizes only

1st row (rs). Knit.

2nd to 4th row. Knit.

5th row. K3[4], * yfwd, s1, k1, psso, k6, rep from * to

last 4[5] sts, yfwd, s1, k1, psso, k2[3].

6th row. Knit.

7th row. K1[2] K4[5], yfwd, s1, k1, psso, *k2tog, yfwd, k1,

yfwd, s1, k1, psso, k3, rep from * to last 6[7] sts,

k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, s1, k1, psso, k1[2].
