Using 3½ mm needles, thumb method and M, cast on
77[83:91:99] sts.
1st row (rs). K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.
2nd row. *P1, k1, rep from * to last st, p1.
These 2 rows form 1×1 rib.
Work 9[9:11:13] rows more in rib.
Next row. P6[9:4:8], p2tog, (p7, p2tog) 7[7:9:9] times,
p6[9:4:8]. 69[75:81:89] sts.
Proceed as follows:
1st row. Knit.
2nd row. Purl.
Last 2 rows form st-st (stocking stitch).
Work 2[2:4:4] rows more in st-st.
Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:
Next row. K2[1:0:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
3[2:1:1] sts, 1C, 2[1:0:0]M.
Next row. P0[3:2:2]C, *1M, 3C, rep from * to last
1[0:3:3] sts, 1[0:1:1]M, 0[0:2:2]C.
Next row. K2[1:0:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
3[2:1:1] sts, 1C, 2[1:0:0]M.
Change to 3½ mm needles and using M only, cont
until back measures 11[14:17:22] cm (4¼[5½:6½:8¾] in)
ending with a ws row.
Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:
Next row. K2[1:0:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
3[2:1:1] sts, 1C, 2[1:0:0]M.
Next row. P1[0:1:1]M, *1C, 1M, rep from * to last
0[1:0:0] sts, 0[1:0:0]C.
Next row. K0[3:2:2]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
1[0:3:3] sts, 1[0:1:1]C, 0[0:2:2]M.
Next row. Using M, purl to end.
Working in st-st throughout work from 1st to 24th row
of Chart B A (p. 54 50) as follows:
SLEEVES (Both alike)
Using 3½ mm needles, thumb method and M, cast on
41[41:43:45] sts. Work 11[11:13:15] rows in 1×1 rib as
given for Back.
Next row. Purl to end, inc 2 sts evenly across row.
43[43:45:47] sts.
Proceed as follows:
Work 4[4:6:6] rows in st-st inc 1 st at each end of
3rd[3rd:5th:5th] row. 45[45:47:49] sts.
Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:
Next row. K2[2:3:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
3[3:0:1] sts, 1[1:0:1]C, 2[2:0:0]M.
Next row. P0[0:1:2]C, *1M, 3C, rep from * to last
1[1:2:3] sts, 1M, 0[0:1:2]C.
Next row. K2[2:3:0]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
3[3:0:1] sts, 1[1:0:1]C, 2[2:0:0]M.
Change to 3½ mm needles and using M only, cont in
st-st inc 1 st at each end of 2nd and every foll 6th row
to 53[57:61:67] sts.
Cont without shaping until sleeve measures
14[16:19:23] cm (5½[6¼:7½:9] in) ending with a ws row.
Change to 4 mm needles and proceed as follows:
Next row. K2[0:2:1]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
3[1:3:2] sts, 1C, 2[0:2:1]M.
Next row. P1[1:1:0]M, *1C, 1M, rep from * to last
0[0:0:1] sts, 0[0:0:1]C.
Next row. K0[2:0:3]M, *1C, 3M, rep from * to last
1[3:0:0] sts, 1[1:0:0]C, 0[2:0:0]M.
Next row. Using M, purl to end.
Working in st-st throughout work from 1st to 24th row
of Chart A B as follows: