Big Cuties Chenillove – model 07

07 Grandpa Whale


Work in rows. Ch 1 and turn in each row.

In berry, with a long starting tail ch 15.

Row 1: Start in the 2nd ch from hook. 14 dc (sc).

Rows 2-20: BLO 14 dc (sc).

Line up row 1 and 20 together. 14 sl st (ss) across through sts on both rows, forming a tube.


Big Cuties Chenillove – model 05



Work in a spiral in continuous rnds.

Rnd 1: In aquamarine, working into magic ring, 8 dc (sc). 8 sts.

Rnd 2: [2 dc (sc) into next st] 8 times. 16 sts.

Rnd 3: [1 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 8 times. 24 sts.

Rnd 4: [2 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 8 times. 32 sts.

Rnd 5: [3 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 8 times. 40 sts.

Rnd 6: [4 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 8 times. 48 sts.

Rnds 7-8: 48 dc (sc).

Rnd 9: [7 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 6 times. 54 sts.

Rnd 10: 54 dc (sc).

Rnd 11: [8 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 6 times. 60 sts.

Rnd 12: [9 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 6 times. 66 sts.

Rnds 13-20: 66 dc (sc).

In fuchsia yarn, embroider 3 lines as cheeks on rnd 9, about 9 sts apart. In black Nilli yarn, embroider mouth on rnd 10, centered between the cheeks.

Rnd 21: [9 dc (sc), dc2tog (sc2tog)] 6 times.

60 sts.

Rnd 22: [8 dc (sc), dc2tog (sc2tog)] 6 times.

54 sts.

Rnd 23: [7 dc (sc), dc2tog (sc2tog)] 6 times.

48 sts.

Start stuffing with fiberfill as you go.

Rnd 24: [6 dc (sc), dc2tog (sc2tog)] 6 times.

42 sts.

Rnd 25: [5 dc (sc), dc2tog (sc2tog)] 6 times.

36 sts.

Rnd 26: [4 dc (sc), dc2tog (sc2tog)] 6 times.

30 sts.

Rnd 27: 30 sl st (ss).


Rnd 28: [4 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 6 times. 36 sts.

Rnds 29-36: 36 dc (sc).

Rnd 37: [5 dc (sc), 2 dc (sc) into next st] 6 times. 42 sts.

Rnds 38-47: 42 dc (sc).

Stuff the body firmly.

Do not fasten off, continue to crochet the legs.

Boho Crochet – model 6


Row 1: 2 ch (counts as first st), 1 htr in first dc, 3 ch, miss 1 dc and 3 ch, 1 dc in next ch-sp, *3 ch, miss 1 dc and 3 tr, (1 htr, 1 ch, 1 htr) all in next ch-sp, miss 1 dc and 3 tr, 1 dc in next ch-sp; rep from * to last 5 sts, 3 ch, miss 3 tr and 1 dc, 2 htr in last dc, turn.
Row 2: 3 ch, 3 tr in first htr, miss 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch, 1 ch, miss 1 dc, 1 dc in next ch, miss 2 ch and 1 htr, *(3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr) all in next ch sp, miss 1 htr and 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch, 1 ch, miss 1 dc, 1 dc in next ch, miss 2 ch and 1 dc; rep from * to end, ending with 4 tr in 2nd of 2-ch.
Row 3: 1 ch (does not count as st), 1 dc in first tr, * 3 ch, miss 3 tr and 1 dc, (1 htr, 1 ch, 1 htr) all in next ch-sp, 3 ch, miss 1 dc and 3 tr, 1 dc in next ch-sp; rep from * to end, ending 1 dc in 3rd of 3-ch.
Row 4: 1 ch (does not count as st), 1 dc in first dc, 1 dc in next ch, miss 2 ch and 1 htr, (3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr) all in next ch-sp, miss 1 htr and 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch, *miss 1 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc in next ch, miss 2 ch and 1 htr, (3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr) all in next ch-sp; miss 1 htr and 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch,; rep from * to last dc, 1 dc in last dc, turn.
The last 4 rows form patt.

Boho Crochet – model 3


**Row 1: 4 ch (counts as first tr and 2 ch),
miss first 3 dc, 1 tr in next dc, *2 ch, miss 2 dc,
1 tr in next dc, rep from * 7 times to end , turn.
Row 2: 4 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, *2 ch,
miss 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr; rep from * 7 times to end ,
ending with 1 tr in 2nd of 4-ch, turn.
The last row forms patt.
Work 13 more rows in patt.
Next row: 1 ch (does not count as st),
1 dc in each st to end, turn. 24 88 sts.
Rep last row once.

Creative Painted Power Special – model 10


1e toer: 1 losse (deze telt niet als st), 8 vasten telkens in het achterste gedeelte van de st, 42 halve stokjes telkens in het achterste gedeelte van de st, keren.
2de toer: 2 lossen (deze telt niet als st), 42 halve stokjes telkens in het achterste gedeelte van de st, 8 vasten telkens in het achterste gedeelte van de st, keren.
De 1e t/m 2de toer voortdurend herh.

Top Down Knitting Special 2 – model 11




Using 4 mm circular needle (40 cm) cast on

69 [69:77:77] sts.

Row 1: K1 [1:2:2] (lef t front), pm (place marker),

k6 (raglan sts), pm, k7 [7:9:9] (lef t sleeve), pm,

k6 (raglan sts), pm, k29 [29:31:31] (back), pm, k6 (raglan sts), pm,

k7 [7:9:9] (right sleeve), pm, k6 (raglan sts), pm,

k1 [1:2:2] (right front).


Top Down Knitting Special 2 – model 9



Rnd 3: Slip marker, inc in next st, (k8, inc in next

st, place marker (pm), inc in next st) 11 12 times, k8,

inc in next st. 144 sts.

Work 5 rnds without inc.

Rep the last 6 rnds 10 [11:12:13:14] times.

384 [408:432:456] sts.

Remove all markers in the last rnd, apar t from

the marker for beg of rnd.


Crochet Collection – T-shirt


Rico Creative Sport dk
Shade 020 (Smokey Pink) 300[300:350] g
Rico Fashion Blend dk
Shade 012 (Ecru) 250[250:350] g
5.00 mm (USA – H8) Rico crochet hook
Back and front (both alike)
Using 5.00 mm hook make 92[101:110] ch.
1st foundation row (ws) 1 dc in 2nd ch from
hook (counts as 1 dc), 1 dc in each ch to end, turn.
91[100:109] dc.
2nd foundation row 3 ch (counts as 1 tr), 1 tr
in first dc, 1 tr in each of next 3 dc, *miss 2 dc, 1 tr
in each of next 3 dc, work 1 tr, 1 ch and 1 tr all in
next dc, 1 tr in each of next 3 dc, rep from * to last
6 dc, miss 2 dc, 1 tr in each of next 3 dc, 2 tr in last
dc, turn. 10[11:12] patt rep.
Work in patt
Patt row 3 ch (counts as 1 tr), 1 tr in first tr, 1 tr
in each of next 3 tr, *miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next
3 tr, work 1 tr, 1 ch and 1 tr all in next 1-chsp, 1 tr
in each of next 3 tr, rep from * to last 6 sts, miss
2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 tr in 3rd of 3 ch,
turn. Rep patt row until work measures 48[50:52]
cm from beg, ending with a ws row.


Just Bags + Things + Crazy Stuff – Heart


03 Heart
Rico Creative Cotton aran
Shade 05 (red) 150 g
1 Rico 4 mm (UK 8 – US G/6) crochet hook
Rico embroidery needle
Zip, black, 18 cm
Coloured stitch markers
Using red, make 33 ch + 3 t-ch, turn. Work in
rnds round both sides of chain.

Winter Crochet Collection – model 10


Triangular Shawl *
Rico Essentials Super aran
Shade 011 (azur) 100 g
Shade 003 (powder) 100 g
Shade 013 (green) 100 g
Shade 002 (yellow) 100 g
Shade 016 (black) 100 g
Shade 004 (pink) 100 g
Shade 008 (rust) 100 g
Shade 005 (purple) 100 g
Shade 012 (navy blue) 100 g
6.00 mm (USA – J/10) Rico crochet hook