Rico Knitting Idea Compact 617


Shape Neck
Next Row. Patt 20 [22] sts, turn and leave rem
43 [47] sts on a stitch holder.
Working on these 20 [22] sts only proceed as
Next Row. Cast off 3 sts in patt, patt to end.
17 [19] sts.
Next Row. Patt.
Next Row. Cast off 3 sts in patt, patt to end.
14 [16] sts.
Work 2 rows more without shaping.
Cast off rem 14 [16] sts in patt.
With rs facing, rejoin yarn to rem 47 [51] sts and
proceed as follows:-
Next Row. Cast off 23 [25] sts in patt, patt to
end. 20 [22] sts.
Next Row. Patt.
Next Row. Cast off 3 sts in patt, patt to end.
17 [19] sts.
Next Row. Patt.
Next Row. Cast off 3 sts in patt, patt to end.
14 [16] sts.
Work 1 row more without shaping.
Cast off rem 14 [16] sts in patt.
Join right shoulder seam. With rs facing, using
3.25mm needles pick up and knit 18 [20] sts
evenly along left side of front neck, 15 [17] sts
from cast off sts at front of neck, 18 [20] sts evenly
along right side of front neck, 11 sts evenly along
right side of back neck, 24 [28] sts from cast off
sts at back of neck and 12 sts evenly along left
side of back neck. 97 [105] sts.
Commencing with 2nd row of 1×1 rib work for
3 [4]cm, (1¼ [1½]in), ending with a ws row.
Cast off loosely in rib.