3rd Row. P11 [14:17], k1, p1, k3, slip next 3 sts onto
CN, and hold at back of work, k3 then k3 from CN, this
will now be referred to as C6B, p1, k1, p8 [10:12], slip
next st onto CN, and hold at back of work, k1 then k1
from CN, this will now be referred to as C2B, p2, slip
next 2 sts onto CN, and hold at back of work, k2 then
k2 from CN, this will now be referred to as C4B, p2,
C2B, p2, C4B, p2, C2B, p8 [10:12], k1, p1, k3, C6B, p1,
k1, p11 [14:17].
5th Row. As 1st row.
7th Row. P11 [14:17], k1, p1, slip next 3 sts onto CN,
and hold at front of work, k3 then k3 from CN, this will
now be referred to as C6F, k3, p1, k1, p8 [10:12], (C2B,
p2, C4B, p2) twice, C2B, p8 [10:12], k1, p1, C6F, k3, p1,
k1, p11 [14:17].